It delights us to welcome you!
What would you do if you had the chance today to leave everything behind that no longer serves you and you could step into your Sacred Wild Power?
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit our website.
We are highly excited to be connected with you and looking tremendously forward to our Journey ahead.
My name is Tara Isis, founder of Wild Woman Sisterhood
We want to play with the wind, walk on bare feet, feel the Earth and let her feed us…
I’m here to help you gently but fiercely dissolve the cage around your heart and call upon the authentic expression of your pure being – which is often oppressed by our society shaped rules.
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from one sister to another
SIGN UP, receive a free New Year's Intention Ritual: a gift from us to you to get you inspired during the Holidays.

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She does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of her actions
and the integrity of her intent.